About Zonta Retail
Retail Experts
Zonta Retail Advisors are experienced retailers with decades of managing successful retail businesses in wholesale and retail formats. We assist retailers in the creation of strategic planning, marketing strategy, market analysis and brand development. Zonta Advisors Retail experts have extensive experience in the Indonesian market and will assist offshore brands in entering the Indonesian market to align with distributors and retailers.

What We Do??
Strategy Planning
Planning your strategy is critical to your success. However, execution requires commitment from all management. Zonta will guide you and your team to full implementation.
Brand Development
Developing a new brand is challenging. Also, maintaining your current brand image is critical to maintain a connection with your customers. Zonta will provide expert guidance to assist in delivering your vision.
Private Label
Private label can be a point of differentiation with your competitors. Our advisors have decades of experience in developing private label with successful retailers. Contact Zonta for more information.
Market Interruption
Why follow the market when you should be leading?! Market interruption is essential to differentiating your company from others. Zonta can guide you to understanding how to create market interruption to ensure your success.
Brand Liaison
Are you having difficulty connecting with brands or wanting to expand your brand in the Indonesian market? Our advisors have the connections and understand the complexity and are here to assist.
Store Concept Design
Zonta Advisors works with some of the top local and international strategist in developing exciting and interesting concepts to ensure unique but successful concepts.
Store Development & Production
After concept development, Zonta can assist with aligning you with quality and affordable contractors to complete the projects.